Top Five User-Friendly Features That Your Custom App Should Have
With millions of apps entering the market, competition in the mobile app industry is unavoidable. Amid such a situation, it is necessary to maximize your app’s capacity by including user-friendly features. Mobile users have become progressively demanding in the past couple of years. They choose apps that offer them what they need and permit them to do it at their comfort.
To be better, you need an app that solves their problems, fulfills their needs, and responds to their issues without forcing them to leave their comfort zone. As a result, user-friendly app development is currently popular. People don’t like to put in the additional effort to learn how to use your app with their fingers. Instead, they’ll search for better programs that don’t require any inconveniences.
User-Friendly Features For Personalized App
Needless to say, if you’re a beginner to the mobile app industry and like to give your app a head start, make sure it has user-friendly features. Here are some of the features your customized app should have.
Boosted loading speed
It has been proven that many users uninstall an app because it is to operate or takes too long to change from one page to another. Improve the loading speed of your website to get the attention of your target users in the first place. It’s great to provide them with a special app with several new features or things to consider. However, not at the cost of loading speed. People would rather have a simple and quick service than a long and slow one.
Icons-based dynamic navigation
The emerging trend in apps is clear and dynamic navigation, which app developers quickly adopted by using innovative icons. The swiping feature has taken the place of button clicks. In addition, users know icons better than words. To enhance the user experience, use creative icons or logos in your app. It even helps to free up space in the app by giving enough white space, enhancing its appearance.
Multiple-language support
An additional option to give your app aside is to globalize it by adding support for other languages. Imagine browsing your app in their native language worldwide or from any local area. The functionality will help your app gain more users, especially some dedicated users that consider it their private resort.
Offline mode
Nowadays, several consumers believe that having an app that can not be used outside a network’s territory is pointless. However, there might be something important in the app to look at if you don’t have access to the internet. As a result, making it function as little as possible in offline mode has become a requirement for user-friendliness in today’s world. Furthermore, users frequently enjoy using the app indefinitely without consuming their network data.
Social media share buttons
Most mobile users are first and foremost social media users, followed by app users. This drives people to desire a feature in every helpful app they use to share their app activities on social media, invite friends to join them, stay up to date on app improvements, and compete for social advantages. Make it a top priority for your app to include social media benchmark channels like Twitter and Facebook to attract users.
Today, any company can get an app. However, making it user-friendly in every aspect is the real issue. With electronic app marketers reporting increased abandonment rates worldwide, eminent app developers are contemplating these features to make a significant difference in the situation.